Dr. Gustavo Slafer

ICREA Research Professor


I study the mechanisms, at the crop level of organization, underlying the responses of grain crops to environmental and genetic factors. The environmental factors may include management practices such us irrigation or fertilization (among other less manageable environmental factors including radiation, photoperiod and temperature). Genetic factors include from general breeding strategies to the action of particular genes or groups of genes (either naturally existing or introgressed in a particular genetic background). The general aim is identifying alternatives to traditional farming and breeding to enhance the efficiency of resource use, as an avenue to increase simultaneously both productivity and sustainability of crop production.

 External links

ICREA ORCID Scopus Google Scholar

  Dr. Roxana Savin

Full Professor


Since 2017, she has served as a Full Professor at the University of Lleida (Catalonia, Spain) in the Crop Physiology group and as Coordinator of the PhD Program in Agricultural and Food Science and Technology at the same university. She has been Co-Editor-in-Chief of Field Crops Research (Netherlands) and is currently a Technical Editor of Crop Science (USA). Her scientific work has focused specifically on source-sink relationships during grain filling in winter cereals, thermal and water availability effects on the determination of grain weight and quality in wheat, barley, maize, and sunflower, studying crop management strategies to enhance yield and quality in these crops, and improving resource use efficiency.

 External links

ORCID Scopus Google Scholar

  Dr. Santiago Tamagno

Ramon y Cajal Research Fellow


PhD in Agronomy (2019) from Kansas State University (USA). His experience includes postdoctoral roles at the University of California, Davis (USA) and various research stays at institutions in the USA and Australia. His line of research includes phyisiology of yield formation, nutrient dynamics, grain composition, and abiotic stress tolerance in maize, soybean, and currently, wheat. Since 2023, he has been a Ramón y Cajal Researcher at the University of Lleida within the Crop Physiology group. His current research focuses on physiological traits related to spike fertility and their interaction with the environment, including heat stress tolerance, soil fertility, and developmental factors, within the context of genetic improvement and increasing the potential yield of wheat as a global goal.

 External links

ORCID Scopus Google Scholar